Wednesday, May 23, 2007

On Wikis

"Wikis are Not Knowledge Management Tools" writes Zoli Erdos, in his blog, I think Wikis helped solve a problem long standing in IT databases, the power to create versions out of table records. Versions I mean, a track record of how the fields on a given table have changed through time. That was not available in the past, where the transaction committed, values changed and that was the end of the story. Wikis provide a very needed functionality, and as of May 2007, they are not part of the KM tools used in my company, so we are still in the process of integrating it .


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Defining KM

KM is the interaction between human minds, a given culture (Framework), and collaborative technology

Leonardo Mora


Ok, so after a long vacation from my blog, I think I can continue. I got the book out of the way as well, so now I can concentrate. My job changed as well, but I won't give details about it. For now. Only that you get sleepy every once in a while. I've been reviewing some other blogs, and the stories are fun and interesting. I kind of miss the conferences and seminars, but someday I hope I will be there.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Other sites.

I was going through other KM sites and found some very interesting like

A, ha,

I guess I need to keep posting more often. .. as I decided to publish the book as seen below, and share some insights from my new gig.

Great to see other people writing about KM, I need to learn more about the templates!!
